Equine Science
Work directly with Standardbred harness horses at the Delaware County Fairgrounds where you will learn from industry professionals.
Program Highlights:
Identify and apply responsible animal science principles
Laboratory techniques involving areas such as:
Animal restraint
Comprehensive review of the major body systems
Performing physical examinations
Diagnose issues and recommend probable treatment of common diseases, disorders, and injuries
Practicums and identification are routinely practiced in the classroom to align with FFA Career Development Events (CDE).
Areas of Study:
Animal nutrition
Animal health and diseases
Animal anatomy and physiology
Animal reproduction and genetics
Equine selection and evaluation
Equine care and grooming
Harness horse breaking and training
Animal behavior and psychology
Veterinary science
Legal and ethical issues of the horse industry
Business management
Credits Available:
3 elective credits per year
College credits available through an articulation agreement with Hocking College and through Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs)
CTAGs are transferrable to Ohio public colleges. Credits vary per program.
Industry Credentials Available:
CPR and First Aid***
Elanco Fundamentals of Animal Science***
***Industry credential recognized by ODE for points toward graduation.
Fees can be easily paid online, 24 hours a day. Learn more about paying class fees and adding to your student’s lunch account.
This program is participating in the Chromebook One to One Experience. An additional one-time fee to purchase a Chromebook will be waived if you are a returning student who has already participated in the Chromebook One to One Experience or if you are bringing your own technology. Learn more about the Chromebook One to One Experience.
To ask more questions about any program or to schedule a tour of our campus, contact Administrative Assistant to the Enrollment Coordinator, Mariellen Murray at (740) 201-3216 or MurrayM@DelawareAreaCC.org.
Jennifer Kessler
(740) 362.6465
Delaware County Fairgrounds
236 Pennsylvania Ave, Delaware, OH 43015