Girls in Tech - Taylor

The women of DACC are breaking gender stereotypes by sharing their stories in the hopes that younger girls will see even more options available to them in high school, college, and their careers.

Taylor embraces a good challenge and DACC has provided a place for her to safely put her skills to the test. As a junior in DACC’s Cybersecurity program, she has already joined a team of students to partner with Delaware County Homeland Security and Emergency Management to revamp all of the AV equipment with unique customizations. She was also part of a team that competed in the MITRE eCTF (Embedded Capture the Flag) event and took third place among all collegiate competitors.

Taylor is looking forward to a career in research. “I want to find new things and stay at the forefront of cybersecurity.”

As a girl in the Cybersecurity program, she is also at the forefront of making the idea of girls in traditionally male-dominated fields one that will be normal and expected. “It adds a challenge and sometimes we do fight to be heard, but our lab is a reflection of the real world and this is good preparation, not only for us, but for the guys in the program as well.”