Staff Spotlight

DACC Staff Spotlight: Shannon Dutton, Science Instructor

This is Shannon Dutton’s sixth year at DACC. Before coming to  DACC, she taught for 11 years in Columbus City Schools at both the high school and middle school levels.

One of Shannon’s favorite memories teaching: “At the end of the school year a few years ago, my students and I created a baby pool of oobleck (mixture of cornstarch and water) to investigate the properties of non-Newtonian fluids.  We all had so much fun experimenting outside.”

Shannon is the mother of two boys who are currently in 7th grade and 9th grade.  They keep her very busy with their sporting events. Her family has a 2-year-old dog Apollo that keeps them busy as well. He even has his own Instagram account.

When she’s not teaching, Shannon enjoys spending time with her boys and fiancé. Most of her time revolves around whichever sports are in season, but her family also enjoys exploring the area’s parks. They also try to plan road trips every few years to somewhere fun.

Favorite quote: “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” ― Marie Curie