Gavin Bull


Gavin Bull, a senior in the Engineering – Robotics, Automation, and Design program, was asked to attend the National Space Club and Foundation’s Goddard Memorial Dinner. Gavin was named a finalist in the scholarship offered by the National Space Club and Foundation. As a finalist in the scholarship program, he was invited to attend the dinner due to the quality of his speech.

From Gavin’s speech, “What path should I take to fulfill my dreams? I found this answer in 8th grade, when I made the best decision of my life and toured the engineering program at my local career center. It’s difficult to put into words how amazing this lab is. From the very beginning of the tour, I felt like a kid in a candy shop, but instead of candy, it was industrial robots, 3D printers, and plenty of other manufacturing equipment that the school somehow entrusted teenagers with. Everything about the lab screamed of creativity and imagination and the ability to construct anything you could think of. Because of the tour, I discovered that I was meant to build and design. It felt as natural as breathing to me. I thought of the million things I wanted to make, and then I thought back to the scientists exploring the great mysteries of the universe and realized they need engineers to build the technology that makes their exploration possible. Perfect! If I did this work, I would get to design something with my very own hands and learn about the cosmos at the same time! And with that, I now know what I want to do with my life.”

Gavin plans to attend the University of Colorado to study aerospace after he graduates this year.


Learn more about the Engineering Robotics Automation and Design program

Learn more about the National Space Club and Foundation Scholarship

Read the full article in the Delaware Gazette

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